Last swimming lessons pics of the season

In practice, getting the kids to swimming lessons is often more complicated than it seems in my mind.  I imagine warm days of flipflops and swim suits…parking my car at Jessica’s and walking down to the pool together amidst a gaggle of happy kids.  Somehow, it seems that at least one kid is mad or hurt or doesn’t want to go or wants to be carried.  In my mind, the green trees and flowers sway in the wind as our pool bags sway in our hands.  We walk and catch up and breathe in the summer.  In practice, this often means suppressing eye rolls as one or more child bemoans an injustice or dawdles far behind or has a scraped knee.

We’re often late, and it’s usually not as easy as I imagine, but still, going to swimming lessons is one of my very favorite parts of the whole year.  I L.O.V.E. love it.  And when I’m not soothing or threatening or cajoling or comforting or consequencing we’re all smiles.


Post-swim, the kids like some “toaster time” while wrapped in their towels.  They’re both getting so comfortable in the water.

Thanks, Joe, for these pictures of my kids and me.  I love ’em.



On the way to the locker room, the kids are spreading out on the ground to bask.08-10-11_Joe_097

Here’s a couple pictures of Andrew by Joe.  Silly guy!



So long, Monona pool!  See you next summer!