Apple picking

Some years we make it to the apple orchard a half dozen times or more.  This year, we only went thrice.  The mosquitoes were non-existent, which was such a better situation than the blood-sucking horror of last fall.  We ate lots of apples, drank cider, but made not a cobbler, pie, or even apple sauce.  Oh well…my friends did!  And I made a few Dutch Babies (recipe here) with cooked apples on top.  Delish!

Have you ever noticed that I love hand-holding pictures?  They’re my favorite:)


Cute boy!



Love this picture of Sylvie.  It’s so completely her.

09-11-11_untitled_020Happy girl with her apple.



Both kids love to get boosted up in our arms or on our shoulders to reach apples high up in the branches.09-11-11_untitled_027

Mr. Andrew man with his bag.  I heard that our main orchard – Door Creek – ran out of apples by early October.  Must have been lots of crowds and an early season!09-11-11_untitled_030

A little sibling love in the orachard.09-11-11_untitled_036

“Is this what you want us to do, Mom?”09-11-11_untitled_038

We said “hi” to the Black Welsh Mountain Sheep before heading home.  Oh, that cider we had was excellent.  I love waiting all year and then enjoying cup after cup of the rich, crisp deliciousness of fresh apple cider from the orchard.09-11-11_untitled_045Until next year!
