Wisdom for the day

I absolutely love Katrina Kennison.

It seems that growing up, even at my age, is all about making the commitment, again and again and again, to bring my outer persona into alignment with my inner truth, my words into alignment with my deeds, my thoughts into alignment with my actions, my deepest values into alignment with my smallest choices, my heart into alignment with my mind, until what I do and how I live is a reflection of who I truly am.

Hope that quote from her blog today brings as much centering peace to you as it did to me:)

In other news, spring is really and truly here.  It’s been raining for the last couple days.  Today started out in the low 30s with rain.  There’s a light layer of slushy snow.  All this wet will help green up the earth soon.  And before we know it, the soft, flowery version of spring will be upon us.  The robins are singing their spring songs.  The red wing black birds and sandhill cranes have returned.  For weeks, we’ve been hearing lovely sound of running water as the snow has melted and runoff moves through puddles on the street and down into the storm drain.  I stand near the storm drain and smile to hear the sound of liquid water again.  Here’s a clip (made with my phone) so you can hear it too –> ripples

I’ve taken the last couple days off bootcamp again because my cough, while much improved, is still giving me trouble.  Seems like a couple hours extra sleep and a break from the physically strenuous activity might help.  Instead, Jessica and I went to a lovely yoga class last night.  I haven’t practiced yoga for years and years.  It felt so good.  Maureen Hebl was a wonderful instructor, and I’m hoping to regularly attend the Wednesday night class.

Bryan starts up the spring ultimate frisbee league next week, with games on Tuesday and Thursdays.  Between that and his new (soon-to-be-picked-up) kayak, he’s sure to have some great outdoor experiences this spring and summer.

I’ll leave you with a pic of Sylvie pulling out of our (newly cleaned out) garage with her trike.  Sure do love that girl!

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