Four Seasons brunch

If you find yourself in Chicago on a Sunday morning with some extra cash to spend, I recommend, nay, beseech you to try brunch at the Four Seasons Hotel.  It’s an incredible experience.

Last weekend, our crew of 10 went to the brunch.  It was the first time we’ve gone to brunch without any adults.  Kinda felt odd.  I think all of us particularly missed Mom.

Before we left, we took some photos. Here’s my kids being cute siblings.


Look at this little girl’s long, long legs!


A quick pic of me and Bryan.


And me with Joe, Michael, and Maretta.


Here’s a quick picture of one of our tables at brunch.


And after brunch, here’s an iPhone pic of our group in the hotel lobby (Bryan’s the photographer).


Michael and Lisa, feeling glad.


I love these next two.  Bryan pulled out the camera to snap a couple pictures of me and Joe and Maretta and Michael hugging goodbye.




Thanks to Joe and Maretta for making the trip so we could all be together:)