Cookbook project

I just re-started work on a cookbook of my mom’s recipes.

Back in fall 2007, back when I was pregnant and working and my mom had just passed away, I took steps toward making a cookbook of her recipes to share with family and friends.  I started in early September with the goal of finishing by Thanksgiving.  And I did get about 40 recipes entered on the computer.  But then I was unhappy with how the software I was using made the recipes look.  And I wanted to add photos or scanned copies of the recipes in my mom’s handwriting.  And I ran out of steam.

However, if you’re interested, here’s a link to version 1.0 of my mom’s recipe cookbook.

<Then, three years go by.  I stopped working, had a baby, started my photography business, and stayed busy-busy!>

Last weekend, spurred by the freshness of the new year, I spent a couple evenings going through my own recipe piles.   I have a loose-leaf binder full of sheet protectors that contain recipe clippings from the last 10+ years.  On top of that binder sat about 5 inches of paper that was supposed to be in the binder.  I went through the binder and culled recipes and then added most of the unwieldy stack of printed recipes, recipes from friends, and all the recipes I’ve pulled from magazines.

Then I started thinking that it would be a great idea to get all that info out of a binder and on to my computer.  Most of the recipes I make these days are from blogs or are from online recipe databases (like  So I got on the new Mac AppStore and saw that there are some cool Mac-based recipe software.

I compared software called YummySoup and another called MacGourmet.  I like that MacGourmet can make printed books.  And that made me think about the book I was going to make of Mom’s recipes.  After downloading the software and pulling out Mom’s pile of dusty recipes, I got really excited about creating a nice cookbook of my mom’s recipes.

So here’s my plan:  I’ll have this cookbook ready and available as a pdf to download or a book to purchase by Mom’s birthday: April 7. I plan to include scanned copies of Mom’s hand-written notes, some of Mom’s cartoon clippings, notes from us kids, and poems that were in her recipe box.

I’ll need some help, and here’s how:

  1. I plan to post some early iterations of the cookbook, and I’ll need reviewers.  Let me know if you want to help, drop me a note (
  2. Back in 2007, several people sent me notes about their favorite recipes that Mom made and stories about times shared around food.  If you haven’t sent me such notes and would like to, I’d love to include more in this book!
  3. I’ve got lots of recipes that are either in version 1.0 or are going to be added in this version, but please let me know if you have favorites that you’d like to see included.

OK, that’s my thoughts and my plan and my needs.  Hold me accountable!  I’m excited to complete this project:)


2 Replies to “Cookbook project”

  1. I love this project. I’m not an adventurous eater, and I don’t really like to cook. But I will always remember how your mom showed her love with food. I always knew that she would make us something if anyone was hungry, even if it was just one person and not the whole group. 🙂

  2. What a great idea. You know I'll be one of the first in line for a copy of the book. I'd love to help if I can.

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