
When I crack open a new book, the first thing I do is read the dedication and find the acknowledgments page.   Before starting to read, I want to learn a little about who the author is, and for me, the acknowledgments give me a little view into who they are, what’s important to them, and how eloquent their book might be.  I particularly like to see how and where they thank their spouse and children.  Genuine, heartfelt thanks earns the writer lots of points in my book

I just started a book, and here’s how the writer thanks his wife:

Kelly, you are my soul mate, lover, and best friend.  Through thick and think you have helped me become who I was intended to be.

<sigh>  Acknowledgments that leave me choked up are the best ones of all.

I think I should start a running list of excellent acknowledgments.  Do you have any favorites?

2 Replies to “Acknowledgments”

  1. My favorite story on this topic is when I wen tto write my dissertation acknowledgement​s. I got down a couple of previous lab member's dissertations and found…one recent acknowledgement​ page entirely plagiarized from an earlier dissertation…​even the touching personal seeming bits!

  2. My favorite story on this topic is when I wen tto write my dissertation acknowledgements. I got down a couple of previous lab member's dissertations and found…one recent acknowledgement page entirely plagiarized from an earlier dissertation…even the touching personal seeming bits!

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