Christmas Day at Dad’s

On Christmas Day, we headed over to Dad’s house early afternoon and met up with Michael & Lisa, Joe, Tom, and at supper time, Heather, Michael & Evelyn.  We watched movies, played games, and generally enjoyed spending some time together.

Here are the boys playing a game of Quirkle, a really fun pattern game that Melanie gave us for Christmas.


It’s a little like Scrabble but (thank heavens) without the word part.  The lines have to have either all the same colors but different shapes or all the same shape but different colors.  Six in a row is a Quirkle and gets you big points.


12-25_11_Christmas-Day_026 While others played or talked or interacted with each other, Andrew played the iPad.  I think he stared at Angry Birds for about six hours.  And it was like his best day EVER.

12-25_11_Christmas-Day_027 I love the cute fuzzy polar bear shirt he’s wearing.  It’s a gift from Granny & Grandad.

12-25_11_Christmas-Day_028 We enjoyed a fondue feast.  First course was a broth fondue for cooking meats.  Then we had a cheese course with veggies and breads for dipping.  Rounding it off, we had a chocolate fondue (Nutella and cream) with cake, fruit, and (oh the incredible amazing goodness) mini-cream puffs.  I think I had a transcendental experience while eating a cold mini-cream puff that had just been dipped in Nutella fondue.


12-25_11_Christmas-Day_030There you have it!  As we drove home from Dad’s at 9pm, I felt waves of exhaustion wash over me.  I spent so much time and energy anticipating Christmas this year.  And it was wonderful.  And as it came to a close, I felt spent and very full and a little raw.  Like “put me to bed for the next five days.”  However, Maretta and Kyle were in town through Sunday, so after a quiet morning on the 26th, I rallied to go shopping with my sweet sister.  A new purse for her and a new dress for me was rejuvenating:)  That evening, I enjoyed meeting Maretta & Kyle, Joe, and some of Michael & Lisa’s friends at the Great Dane for dinner.  So much celebrating!!

Joe was in town through Dec 31, so I really enjoyed seeing him a couple days last week.  And Heather, Michael, & Evelyn were also in town, and it was great to get to hang out with them two different days.  Evie is about the cutest kid ever.  Her eyes are so big and thoughtful and inquisitive.  She and Sylvie did a pretty good job together…playing with all the new toys.  And I enjoying getting to catch up with my dear friends.  I can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures of them together.  I guess I was more concerned with playing interference (diving to stop Sylvie from throwing a toy) or with not interfering when things were magically working well.

Happy Christmas everyone!