And then it was Christmas morn

Andrew and Sylvia have been excited in the past.  They get really happy about taking trips to Texas or going to a swimming pool or getting to go out for ice cream.  But until now, I don’t think I’ve seen the two of them as worked up as they were about Christmas.  Sylvia understood what was happening a lot more than she did last year (when she was still just one), and she rode on the coat tails of Andrew’s anticipation.  We were at fever pitch here in the Dotzour house:)

So I was quite surprised when I woke up at 6:45am on Christmas morning and the kids were both still sleeping.  A half hour later, and I got tired of lying in bed and went to get my phone so I could have something to do while I waited for the chillens to stir.  It wasn’t until about 7:40 that they woke up, and then, oh joy!  Santa filled their stockings!


The kids had different approaches to opening their gifts this year.  Andrew was on a mission to find and open his, and he did so in relatively rapid fashion.  Sylvia, on the other hand, would open a gift, un-package it, and play with it for quite some time before showing any interest in what else was in store.

Here, she’s playing with the wooden cupcakes that Bryan got for her.  They’re a big hit, and we’ve been doing lots of singing and blowing out of candles these last days.


Thanks to technology, we were able to share our Christmas morning with Bryan’s parents and sister via Skype.  We all so enjoy spending Christmas with our wonderful family-in-Texas, and it felt really nice to get to share some time online.  That way, too, they could see the kids open their gifts.  Wish we could step through the screen and just join each other for a few hours!


Joe, whose head I cut off in this picture, spent the night with us and got to watch the kids enjoy Christmas morning.


There’s Bryan laughing with his fam.


Andrew set right to work on a currency workbook I got him.  He’s fascinated by money money money these days.


I made a pulla wreath for our breakfast.  Boy, was it yummy!  I think we ate around 9:30, so the kids did well to work on their gift opening for a couple hours:)


Sweet, egg-y bread with an almond and raspberry filling.


Here’s my favorite gift – Bryan’s mom cut out silhouettes of Andrew and Sylvia.  They’re now hanging on my wall, where they will probably be displayed all my life.  So beautiful and special.  Thank you!!!


Sylvia’s gifts – the tea sets have been a huge hit.  I’ve been served so much coffee and tea and hot chocolate, it’s amazing.


I am in love with this fairy doll house.  Seriously!  It’s so cute.  More photos to come in a future post.


Little red chairs from Maretta and Kyle.  And the rocking horse was Maretta and Joe’s and has now moved into our house.  When asked what she wanted for Christmas (only starting a few days before Christmas, of course), Sylvia said “I want a horsie who rocks and who I can sit on.”  Good thing we had one waiting in the wings!


Andrew got a cool, wooden marble run.  Adult assistance is required.  It’s going to be a really fun toy!


Setting it up.


The boys spent a couple hours playing with marbles!


After lunchtime, it was time to head over to my dad’s for our Christmas Day festivities there.  The party continues:)