August 31

It’s a kinda big day in my world today.  For example:

  • Andrew starts Kindergarten tomorrow
  • Three years ago today my mom died.  After watching and helping her for three weeks, this was the the first day she was gone.  And while this day and this time of year feels a lot less bad than it did one or two years ago, there’s still a gaping void in my life where my mom should be.  For me, time does heal, but the reality of her absence still just pretty much sucks.
  • This morning we took Andrew in to the UW Children’s Hospital for a consult about Andrew’s belly button.  He’s had a herniated umbilicus since he was born, and at his 5-year appointment last week, his doctor suggested that we talk to a surgeon.  Sounds like herniated belly buttons heal themselves in about 70% of cases, but if it hasn’t healed by the time a child is 4 or 5, it probably won’t heal.  I’d planned to hold-off on surgery until Andrew was 10 or 15 or so (there’s no big hurry), but the doctors indicated that young kids often recover faster and worry less.  So we decided to go ahead and do it now.  His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 22.  It’s a pretty minor surgery, but I kinda feel like throwing up nonetheless.  It’s a bit of a mind-numbing experience to explain to your skipping happy-go-lucky son what a surgery is…first in general terms and then as the questions become increasingly specific in more challenging terms (knife??  cut????  whimper).
  • Sylvia has had a rough time these last days.  There’s been multiple humongous public tantrums.  Fortunately, when she’s not exploding, she’s delightful.

Yup, that pretty much sums up the emotions puttering around in my gut today.

We’re off to attempt a school supply shopping trip.  Then Tom is watching the kids this afternoon for a few hours.  Sweet relief!

Here’s a photo for you.  Andrew got to meet his teacher – Maestra Laura – yesterday afternoon.  She seems like she’ll be a lot of fun, and I think my guy is going to love his new school.



14 Replies to “August 31”

  1. Whew, that's a lot! I know you'll worry about Andrew no matter what, but both my kids had surgery at age 2 (bad cavities that needed crowns)! Gigi's was more difficult than Bode's partially because they didn't give her a sedative before like they did for Bode. Adorable drunken boy was much more calm than his sister was.

  2. Ooof! Lots going on, take care of yourself. I can certainly relate to bullet point three, we took Zachary in for surgery at 9 months. It is gut wrenching. Wishing you a very happy first day of school (for Andrew) tomorrow.

  3. love Sylvie's suit! hope you can tap into some of her power (the delightful side of the force) for your own self!

  4. Margot would have taken the greatest joy in seeing Andrew start kindergarten. She is still with you; I see her in you all the time. Special hugs to you today, my wonderful, strong, amazing niece. 🙂

  5. your kiddo's are so tall, and they are more and more beautiful! i was amazed when i saw them the other day, just stunning. I'm sorry about your mom, and at the same time, i'm happy for you that you had the kind of mom worth missing that much.

  6. It really was a big day and just a big time in general, eh? Your mom is probably the person who is gone who I knew least but miss the most. How is that? She is YOUR mom, Bryan’s mother-in-law and Andrew and Sylvie’s grandma — a supremely important gal. I just sort of crave having her around, which is a reflection, of course, of craving her presence for you all. You are so loved, Althea. And your boy — the wonderful Andrew. It is incredible that he is beginning school tomorrow. Incredible. WOnderful. A bit frightful. All that and more. I and we will be thinking of him tomorrow with love and wonder. Go Andrew!!

  7. Thought about you yesterday. When I pick up a photo of your mom I can feel her radiant smile warm the room. You are her daughter:)

  8. Whew! Lots of stuff to deal with right now! As another Mom who's baby had surgery (at 4 years old), I remember how scary it is. The good news is that I think it is harder on you than it is on them. Lots of people sending positive energy your way!! Give the kids a big hug for me and tell Andrew "tener un día maravilloso en la escuela"

  9. Shara had surgery at 3 to correct strabismus. We did not go into detail beforehand about what would happen, but told her that afterwards, she wouldn;t be able to open her eyes for a while. Still, when she woke up in the recovery room, it was pretty traumatic for all of us. However, now the fact that she had surgery is a badge of honor for her.

  10. Thanks everyone for all the loving comments. I sure do appreciate my community of loving friends and family! Andrew's off at day #2 of school and doing great. So glad to know you're all out there on days that the sun just won't shine.

  11. Thanks everyone for all the loving comments. I sure do appreciate my community of loving friends and family! Andrew's off at day #2 of school and doing great. So glad to know you're all out there on days that the sun just won't shine.

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