Andrew returns home

After his 9-day visit to Texas, Andrew returned home late on a Thursday night.  Here’s my boy running happily toward me at the airport.  What a happy feeling to see him again!

Here’s Andrew and Aunt Mel at the airport.  We were really excited to have Melanie able to visit us for a long weekend!

The next morning, Andrew was soooo happy to see Sylvia.  And Sylvia was so happy to see Andrew.  Here’s a photo (snapped off my phone) of their happy reunion.

And a couple other random images.  Here’s Sylvie.  A little girl with a a little curl right in the middle of her forehead.

We moved their car seats to the back of the minivan.  So exciting!  They can touch each other while driving!

Andrew and Melanie flew in on Thursday night (Sylvia and I got back from St. Paul earlier that day), and on Friday morning, we packed up and drove out to Jack’s house for our semi-annual pilgrimage.  This time, we were excited to bring Melanie!