John and Andrew over the years

We always so enjoy our annual vacations with Grace, Tim, and John.  As I pull together photos from this trip, I’ve been thinking back fondly on our visits over the years.

In 2005, we went to DC for John’s baptism in October (photos here).  The boys were six and four months old.  Such tiny things they were!

Grace and John Patrick (he's six months old!)

In 2006, the Ernst Manubay crew came to Madison for the start of our 4th of July weekend visits (see photos).  John was adorable…just testing out running at 15 months, and Andrew was a chubby, crawling, curly-topped babe at 12 months.
Reading together

In 2007, we traveled to DC with Andrew (who was a newly minted Two), and John who was Two-and-a quarter (see photos).  We told them we were pregnant with Sylvia during a visit to the National Zoo.  Here the boys are playing in their froggy boots at Sligo Creek.


In 2008, Grace came to help me out soon after Sylvia was born (we cleaned out my closets!), and then we traveled to DC over Labor Day to visit and to go to Kacy and Reutiger’s wedding.  Much Slip ‘n Sliding fun was had (see photos).

"Let's do it again!"

In 2009, we met again in Madison (see photos). In honor of the previous year’s water fun, we spent lots of time in the sprinkler.   It’s so nice to see these boys enjoy each other so much even though their visits are so far apart!

Woooo hooooo!! So here we are in 2010 (see photos)!  These boys didn’t need much warm-up time at all this year.  Andrew slept in the trundle bed next to John’s bed, and the two of them stayed up waaay too late each night talking and giggling.  This year’s visit was punctuated by sports: street hockey, soccer ball kicking, and indoor goal scoring.  John loves games with balls as much as Andrew loves animals.  It was neat to see that John’s passion was contagious.  Andrew caught the bug:)


Thanks, Grace and Tim, for having such a great son!  We’re looking forward to many more years together.

2 Replies to “John and Andrew over the years”

  1. this has to be one of my favorite posts.  i love how john and andrew (and you and me and tim and bryan and sylvia) are all pals even though we don’t see each other all the time.  you dotzours are the best!

  2. Hi Andrew:  I loved the pictures your Mom took of you and your friend John.  It looks like you two have lots of fun together.

    By the way, thank you so much for the beautiful picture you sent me recently.  I loved hearing from you. 

    You’ll be in Kindergarden soon, won’t you??    Lots of hugs and kisses, Topsy’

    P.S.  Give Silvie a hug from me, too.  Thanks

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