4th of July parade

While we were in the DC area, we attended a great 4th of July parade in Takoma Park, Maryland.  We missed the Monona Memorial Day parade this year because we were in Maine, so Andrew was particularly excited to eat the candy see the parade with our friends.


Grace has a friend whose parents have a home right on the parade route.  They invited Grace to come and bring her friends.  So she brought 10 of us: her family, our family, my brother Joe, and Heather, Michael, and Evelyn.  The parade was really well stocked with politicians and performers and community groups of all sorts.

10-07-02_DC_098We all enjoyed spending the morning on a shady neighborhood street and watching them march by.



10-07-04_DC_149The color guard started it off.

10-07-04_DC_117And then there were oodles of local, county, state, and federal politicians in neat cars.

10-07-04_DC_125A lady in stilts protesting the hot topic of the parade: the elementary school was going to switch to Styrofoam plates, and most everyone was carrying signs demanding the return of a dishwasher.

10-07-04_DC_138Bag pippers.  Uncle Joe wants to learn how to play the bagpipe.

10-07-04_DC_141Good buds.

10-07-04_DC_133Evelyn in the flag-waving spirit.

10-07-04_DC_175John considers eating his lollipop.

10-07-04_DC_155The Learners on the 4th.

10-07-04_DC_186Evelyn is just so stinkin’ cute I could eat her with a spoon.


10-07-04_DC_198Michael helps Sylvia with large chunks of watermelon.

10-07-04_DC_244Two girls are poooped out and manage to be sharing a common space without arguing.

10-07-04_DC_234My Sylv taking a rest with Poodle and Paci.

10-07-04_DC_236Hope your 4th of July was a great one!  I’m so glad to be an American.

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