Such a lovely weekend!

We spent this weekend, idyllically, outdoors.  Spring is really here.  The willow trees have turned green, and our maple trees are sending out puffballs of spring green flowers from their buds.

Sylvia spent most of the weekend outdoors, naked.  We worked on our gardens, planting peas and carrots and salad greens.  I loved watching Sylvia’s little fingers as she carefully placed the peas into the earth and then helped me “tuck them in.”

On Saturday, we did our first family bike ride of the season.  With Andrew on his tag-along bike behind Bryan and Sylvia in the trailer behind me, we biked four miles over to Tenney Park for some playground fun, duck watching, and a picnic.  The sun was warm, and the weather was mild, and it kind of felt like we were living a dream.  That dream included Sylvia screaming the whole way home, but some dreams are like that:)

I think we all got a little pink in the cheeks today, and while I’m chiding myself for not pulling out the sun screen, it feels so nice to have sun-kissed skin.

Website-wise, I spent a lots of my free time this weekend tweaking my newly moved website.  I think of moving a website host a little like zapping one’s apartment and moving it across town exactly as it was.  And then running over and grabbing the old street sign and door numbers so your new apartment has the same address.  But then you find that your phone doesn’t work.  Or the heat only goes on high.  And so I’ve been working on the computer-equivalent of fixing those issues.  My website had been  But in the move, we got rid of the /bryanandalthea.  So that meant that a lot of links had to be changed, so I made friends with my sql database and learned some find and replace commands.  Technical, tedius stuff.  Yet so satisfying to get right in the end!

If you notice anything about my site that doesn’t run as you’d expect, please let me know.  Now tonight, I move to its new home.  Same address, new apartment.  Wish me luck!  This one should go faster if I learned something the first time around!

Since any post is better with a picture, here’s one of the first dandelions of the season from my girl.  We have lunch with Bryan on Fridays, and before having our picnic last week, we played around outside his office for a while. I snapped this picture of my cute girl on my phone.

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