Easter…Lithuanian style

I know that Easter was a whole week ago, but with my all my late-night website machinations, I’ve been hesitant to post something at the “old” location.  So here we are…at the “new” location!  Welcome!  Is it faster?  Probably not…but it was worth a try:)

Last weekend, Tom’s friend Asta and her kids invited our family over to their home for Easter dinner.  Asta’s family is from Lithuania, and she prepared a wonderful feast for us.

Photos follow:

Here’s the lovely table she set for us.  The kids all got cute treat baskets.

IMG_5705Here’s our buffet, stretched out along the counter.

IMG_5696Vinaigrette.  It’s a cold beet salad that was really tasty.  We took home leftovers and devoured them the next day!

IMG_5699Lots of delicious dill in this meal.  Here are some potatoes sprinkled with dill.  We put the potatoes into our bowls and then filled the bowl with Asta’s terrific bourscht.

IMG_5694I’ve had borscht several times, and I really enjoy it.  This version was a pinker version, which was so festive for Easter!


Hey, I noticed that inserting those pictures went significantly faster than it has in the past.  Just a few seconds per photo.  That’ll save me hours over the course of the year (given how many pictures I tend to include in each post!).

After our Easter dinner, we enjoyed a round of traditional Lithuanian egg cracking.


In all of Lithuania, the act of hitting Easter eggs is known and practiced, especially by men and teenagers. The egg is placed in the palm of the hand with thumb and forefinger holding the pointed end of the egg, which is the hitting area. The cracked egg is taken by the person whose egg did not crack in the process of hitting.

Lithuanian Customs and Traditions




IMG_5715 Turns out that while Andrew and Sylvia both really enjoyed smashing eggs together, Tom was the winner with the hardest egg of the bunch.

Our Easter meal at Asta’s was on Saturday, and then on Sunday morning, we had Alivia and Rayna come over for an Easter egg hunt in the yard.  The four kids had a great time, as did the adults (who got to stand around and chat since the kids were so happily amused).  Thus, no pictures were taken.  We all ordered the traditional Easter pizza for lunch.  Just kidding.  I don’t think I’ve ever had pizza for Easter lunch.  But it was delicious.  I recommend it:)  Mmmm Glass Nickel Pizza.  Mmmmmm.

I can’t remember a March/April that has been this warm and spring-like!  We’re all soaking it in (and ignoring the snow that fell mid-week:)

Hope your Easter weekend was great!