Winter weekend at Jack’s

We’re all back home after a lovely weekend at Jack’s house.  Jack is a family friend-like-family who has a house on the Wisconsin River in southwestern Wisconsin, quite near Prairie du Chien.  My family has been enjoying trips out to Jack’s house since before I was born, each time we’re there, I feel my soul fill up.

Attendees this trip included Jack, Terry, Tom, me, Bryan, the kids, Michael, Lisa, Maretta, Kyle, and my dad for a visit on Saturday afternoon.  During our summer weekend, we put on life preservers and float down the Wisconsin River, eat waaay too much, play Trivia Pursuit and other games, look at the stars, hike on Jack’s prairie, eat too much, and generally enjoy being snug together in a place we all love.

Our winter trip is similar…minus the float down the Wisconsin River, which would kill us all in March.  We supplement our Saturday with a bonfire…burning piles of brush from Jack’s on-going prairie restoration efforts.  The stars were so crisp and clear our first night, and Kyle gave us a sky-tour of all the major stars and planets and constellations.  He set up Jack’s telescope, where he was able to see Saturn’s rings.  Just so you know, a weak telescope does not show Saturn to look like this.  It might look more like this.

It was great to see Maretta and Kyle again since I’ve missed seeing them since Michael & Lisa’s wedding in October.  I do so love my sister:)  Joe wasn’t able to join us this year, but he comes home in a few days for spring break, so we’re happily anticipating that time!

I didn’t take many photos of our trip this year.  I’ll put some up when I download them.  In the meantime, I’m having some minor/major laptop problems that has made me decide to format and reinstall everything, so that should be pretty crazy!

Sylvia was driving me nuts this morning with continuous whining and complaining.  After getting into my makeup and giving herself a lipstick makeover, her mood seems to have improved dramatically.  Remarkably, mine took a turn for the worse:)

Back home amidst the melting snow and foggy air!

One Reply to “Winter weekend at Jack’s”

  1. you and your Sylva switching moods make me laugh. (i’m still laughing minutes later.) you are funny, you know that?!

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