Registered for kindergarten


On Monday afternoon, I registered my big little boy for kindergarten.  My plan was to take him with me so we could register together, but as we started walking across the street from his preschool to the Frank Allis elementary, I turned around and saw that his face had crumpled and he was teary.  “I don’t want to go to kindergarten,” he implored.  “I just want to stay at preschool.”  Well, my boy, I couldn’t agree with you more.

We talked a little about how sometimes new things can make a person feel nervous.  And then we decided that I would just go register him by myself later in the afternoon.

Jessica came over to watch my kiddos, and I walked, for the second time, through the doors of the Frank Allis elementary school.  I’ll admit that I felt nauseated.  And I’m excited about kindergarten.  There’s just something about this whole registration thing that is getting me in my gut.  I feel happy, excited, and ready to run for the bathroom.  Seems like many moms of soon-to-be-kindergartners are in the same boat:)

I filled out 8,269 forms, set up a screening appointment for Andrew, and learned out about two open houses in May and August.  Then I stepped into a separate room and met with the principal of Nuestro Mundo.  A couple weeks back, I wrote about how we were trying to decide if Nuestro Mundo would be a good fit for our guy.  As I’ve thought and read about it more, I got really excited about the dual language opportunity, and so I filled out the paperwork and signed our boy up.  There will be a lottery next month to determine who gets into the program.  They are accepting 45 students.  And so, in addition to my nervous tummy, I’m also going to be trying hard not to think or worry too much about the outcome of the lottery.  We are supposed to find out in late April.  And I’ll let you know!

I’m hoping that Andrew feels some excitement or at least not trepidation as we plan to attend the “play with a  cool teacher for a while” (aka kindergarten screening) next Tuesday:)  Maybe he and I should get some ice cream afterward to sweeten the deal!

And, as I reminded Andrew yesterday while I knelt next to him in an ernest coversation on the snowy sidewalk between his preschool and elementary school, we still have one, two, three more months of preschool and then one, two, three whole months of summer until school starts in the fall.  And by that time, I imagine that both he and I will be much more ready:)

5 Replies to “Registered for kindergarten”

  1. Still remember when my two started. It is scary and exciting and sad ina way that they are growing up and away from you. Hope it all goes well. He's certainly a smart boy and will soon figure it all out and have a good time!

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