Sylvia’s many faces


Have you gotten a load of my daughter recently?  She’s talking!  She’s starting to put together words…sometimes linking two or three in cute little Sylvie sentences.  Her pronunciation is sometimes a little hard to catch, and she’s adding more words to her vocabulary every day.  Sometimes when she isn’t understood, she get a little furious.

IMG_1705 Also, this past month, Andrew and Sylvia have begun playing together a lot.  They are having so much fun!! (except when they’re not)  These days when I’m cooking or busy with something, it’s not uncommon to hear the two of them stampeding up and down the halls and cackling with laughter.

There’s a lot of hiding together (in closets especially) and then laughing together in the dark.  Sylvia revels in her big brother’s attention, and he seems delighted to have discovered that his little sister can be a real playmate now.

IMG_0282Andrew’s reading so well these days, and I just love it when he reads to Sylvia or me or to his friends.  I should post a video so as to share the sweetness!


Now that Sylvia’s language skills are blooming, she’s saying some adorable thing.  Like when she says quietly to herself, “Daddymydaddymydaddymydaddy.””  Or when she looks at Andrew with big, tear-filled eyes and says, “Hep pease.”  And then he asks her what’s wrong, and he helps her.  Miraculous!

We’ve been watching home videos from when Andrew was two, and the sweet way that he talked is almost too much to bear.  So we went out and bought more tapes so we can be sure to capture Sylvia’s adorable lilt and funny inflections.  By the way, she calls our cat Spooky, “Ookys” just like Andrew did.

Thank heavens they are so cute.  I made the gross mistake of trying to stop at a store to (get this!) buy a pair of pants with my children.  At nap time. It didn’t go well.  Good thing the store was mostly empty and the clerks seemed somehow charmed by how Sylvia chased Andrew around the store, screaming and crying as he giggled and laughed and ran faster.  Yeah.  Clothes shopping for myself with two kids in tow – that’s going to go in the “not a good idea” column.  On the plus side, I did find a great pair of pants and a shirt.  Merry Christmas to me!
