Maretta and Kyle’s new diggs

My sister, Maretta, and her husband, Kyle have had a bit of a housing adventure this past year.

Last summer, they moved into a house with a couple of friends.  They soon started having troubles with their landlord.  He didn’t fix things (oh, like the hole in the living room wall).  Then a couple months ago, they learned that he was getting foreclosed upon, and they would have to move out by March.

So in general, that was pretty not-cool.  Then a couple weeks ago, Maretta called me, sounding upset, because they had just learned from another tenant that their landlord had not kept the building up to fire code, had lost his right to lease, and that the building was essentially being condemned…and they would have to be moved out by December 1.

The real knife-twist on that story was that the landlord knew this information back in October but had not seen fit to inform Maretta, Kyle, or their roommates about the situation.  So they were all, er, pissed.  Maretta made a chocolate chip cheesecake to help work through the stress.

Fortunately, there are apparently quite a few options in St. Paul for four adults and four cats, and last weekend they found a nice house to move into.  Here’s the email Maretta sent me.  It made me smile!

We have a great place to live.  It is in Crocus Hill (gorgeous  part of St. Paul) a block off Grand (other end of grand than we were living before).  It is the second floor of a 4 plex house.  It has beautiful crown moldings though out.  a wood burning fireplace, a three season porch, a two car garage in back for our use, brand new kitchen appliances, and a pantry that is to die for.  I will try to have a virtual tour ready for you guys to check out on Thanksgiving.  I sure will miss seeing everyone.  Michael has agreed to come help move after, so yay!  Anyway, love and miss you.
I’m so happy for them.  Sad that they’ll be moving the weekend of Thanksgiving so we won’t see them, but happy that they will have a lovely new home!
For info on their new mailing address, you can email Maretta at

3 Replies to “Maretta and Kyle’s new diggs”

  1. That looks great– it’s reassuring that they were able to find  new home that’s a  good fit on such short notice!

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