Lovely thoughts

I received a card in the mail from an organization I support called The Center for Whole Communities.

The card contained some lovely words that I thought I would share with you.

This story is about generosity, and about nourishing one another with what we have.

Honor the strength of relationships above all else
Love your place
Be willing to consider the hard questions
Listen intently
Invite those you don’t know to your table
Take the time to create something, and to appreciate beauty
Do less, with more depth and meaning
Be present with children, without distraction
Be resilient, and offer healing where you can

This story is told in many different voices and languages, and it is already happening

There are some really good reminders in there.  I hope a couple of them touch your heart.


One Reply to “Lovely thoughts”

  1. i really love that. the whole thing. and that little heart shaped rock in E’s hand gives my heart a little skip. thanks for sharing! xo

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