Running on the edge

6:15 and we're in our new abode...the Family waiting area

Why is it that I’m in a mode these days where I’m regularly running almost late.  I’m doing it to myself.  I don’t want to get dressed or brush my hair or find my shoes until I need to be out of the house in two minutes.  Like I actively dislike being ready to go before it’s time.

Maybe it’s a reaction to having to get the kids ready so much before we have to go.   If we want to leave the house at 3pm, I should have them both dressed by 2:30.  That gives us 20 minutes to play and 10 minutes to get on coats and shoes and get into the car.

I’ve found many times in the last several months where I purposefully, unconsciously, our accidentally work on the computer (in my pajamas) until the moment I am supposed to be in the car.

Yet I’m almost always on time.  A minute late maybe.  Sometimes a minute early.  There’s just some crazed running around before I leave the house.  Maybe I need to return to some old FlyLady habits of getting dressed first thing in the morning including hair and makeup (if any).

My mom normally ran 5-20 minutes late, and it sometimes drove me a bit crazy.  So this aversion to getting ready that I’m experiencing is a little funny.  Hmmm.

I think I’m in the “observing” phase of behavior change.  Like “gee, that doesn’t seem like a great way to be” kind of observation.  Then I’ll start talking about how to change and then I’ll start committing to change and maybe eventually I’ll change.  Or maybe not.  I do like being in my pajamas on a gray fall day!

How about you?  Are you early?  How much before you’re going to leave the house do you get ready?  Does standing around the house all ready to go make you crazy or does it feel good?  These are the deep questions I pose to you today.

Now (since I’m clothed and have my contacts in) I’m off to the post office and the grocery store!

13 Replies to “Running on the edge”

  1. It never really starts until you get there… And isn't it boring to wait around for other people to get there? And aren't you embarrassed if you're too early?Hmmm…I think I'm an enabler. There was a point when I decided I'd be a "good" example/parent/friend/adult and be early…not just on time, but early. Then I decided I had too much free time and took on a few new projects:)

  2. It never really starts until you get there… And isn't it boring to wait around for other people to get there? And aren't you embarrassed if you're too early?Hmmm…I think I'm an enabler. There was a point when I decided I'd be a "good" example/parent/​friend/adult and be early…not just on time, but early. Then I decided I had too much free time and took on a few new projects:)

  3. I’m always, always late. In fact, I should be in the car on the way to the Bog, but yet I’m on the computer in my pajamas commenting on your post about being late. I am extremely consistent in my tardiness. Some people think it’s a lack of respect for other people.  All I know is that I’m late. I’m late. I’m late for a very important date!

  4. It never really starts until you get there… And isn't it boring to wait around for other people to get there? And aren't you embarrassed if you're too early?Hmmm…I think I'm an enabler. There was a point when I decided I'd be a "good" example/parent/friend/adult and be early…not just on time, but early. Then I decided I had too much free time and took on a few new projects:)

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