I love to work!

I just dropped Andrew off at preschool for the morning.  And this is Sylvia’s day at Donna’s daycare.  So for the next 3.75 hours, I have time for myself.

I’m going to work on a budget explanation document for the preschool.  And I’m so excited.  And I think it’s a little silly to be giddy about such things.  So I’m sharing with you.

Last night I stayed up until midnight working on the preschool’s personnel policies.  I was loving it.

I’m also looking forward to working on making some promotional materials for Althea Dotzour Photography.  And I have a money management blog post floating around in my head that needs to be written.

It’s all these “work” things…quiet, computer-focused time that makes me feel so good.  I’m so glad that I am home with the kids and get to play with them as much as I want.  I’m also really thankful that I have the time and ability to have a few outside-of-home work hats that keep my brain active, my creativity charged, and my soul content.

So now, it’s time to work!

10 Replies to “I love to work!”

  1. Oh my… your projects sound identical to what I've been working on lately. You mean that now that I am gaining all the skills it takes to run a non-profit full time, this is what I'll do with my volunteer time when I have kids? (I suppose that's only if I am no longer doing it as a full time job… or maybe I'll end up doing it in addition to my job. I hope not!)

  2. Oh my… your projects sound identical to what I've been working on lately. You mean that now that I am gaining all the skills it takes to run a non-profit full time, this is what I'll do with my volunteer time when I have kids? (I suppose that's only if I am no longer doing it as a full time job… or maybe I'll end up doing it in addition to my job. I hope not!)

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