
Michael and Lisa are now Mr. and Mrs.  I’ve got a new sister, and Michael has an expanded family.  It was a wonderful wedding.  A beautiful day.  I cried, I laughed, I danced.  And right now, at 11:20pm, I have a big smile on my face, thinking back on conversations and moments shared with good friends and family.

This morning, as snowflakes filled the air and the thermometer proclaimed low numbers, we decided to pull the ceremony indoors.  It turned out that with the big windows looking out on the prairie, the big pots of mums, and the orangy pumpkins, it was lovely indoors as well.

I sobbed a bit when Lisa came down the aisle on her dad’s arm.  I cried a bit harder when Michael took her hand.  Such emotion!

Andrew was the ring bearer, and he had the rings tied on a ribbon around the neck of his stuffed elephant.  What a cutie!  He stood up front next to Joe, and he was so cheerful and calm and proud that it just made me glow with love for that little darling.  When Joe stepped over to the podium to do his reading, Andrew hopped sideways to stay next to him.  And when Lisa requested, he handed her the elephant so she could retrieve the rings.

Lisa’s sister, Julie and Maretta also gave readings, and Jack gave a heart-felt address.

Michael and Lisa wrote beautiful vows for each other, and I got to close the ceremony with the Apache Wedding Blessing.  It was a really lovely ceremony.

The reception was held upstairs, and after a yummy dinner, we were all treated to an amazing pumpkin cake.

Thank heavens that Bryan’s mom is here to help with the kids!  They ran about and had lots of fun while I tended to wedding details and had fun watching the celebration unfold.

Now it’s midnight, and I’ve got dozens of photos uploading.  So in my world, it feels like the event has some closure.  Photo-obsession…

Tomorrow morning, we head over to Michael and Lisa’s for present-opening and to visit with her family one more time before they head back to Florida.  The party continues!

Stay tuned (or check out Flickr) for photosCheck out the pictures in the gallery!
