Wedding rehearsal pics

It’s the day of Michael and Lisa’s wedding!  This morning, Michael, Joe, Maretta, Heather, and I met out at the Lussier Nature Center to decorate the reception room and to set up the (now indoor!) ceremony site.  It’s been partly sunny with temperatures in the high forties.  Snow fell earlier today.

Michael is wearing a kilt, and Lisa has a strapless dress, so we thought that no one would be pleased with the idea of an outdoor ceremony!

Last night, a group of us gathered outdoors at the Center to rehearse the wedding.  Lisa’s sister Julie will be standing up with her, and Joe is standing up with Michael.  Julie, Joe, Maretta, and myself are doing the readings.  And our dear family friend Jack is officiating.  It should be lovely!

Lisa’s family is up from Florida, and I think we’ve given them quite a shock with this chilly weather.  Hard to believe that the mercury has dropped so much in the last few weeks!

After the rehearsal, we headed over to Pedro’s west for a lovely dinner.  My aunt Julie, Kevin, and their little guy joined us; Heather and Michael were there, Topsy has flown out from Oregon, and a couple of Michael and Lisa’s friends had also driven in from out-of-town.

Andrew’s going to be the ring barer, and he’s planning on keeping the rings tied to the neck of his large stuffed elephant.  I’m looking forward to seeing how he handles his official duties!

It’s been a life-saver to have Granny here.  My mind is all over the place as I work on all the last-minute wedding coordination details.  Good to know that Sylvia and Andrew are being well-cared for while I plan and execute wedding plans and Bryan has been paint-balling, bachelor-partying, and mini-golfing with the groom.

Pictures from the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner are in the gallery.  A few select pictures are also shown below.  Check that…just one.  I need to get dressed for the wedding!!!
