I love Swedish weddings!

OK, I love all weddings, but I’m particularly enjoying helping with Karin and Kaleb’s wedding. Love, love, love. We’re in Arvika for the evening, and tomorrow is the big wedding day.
Right now it is midnight, and I’ve just finished editing all the pictures for the day. I’m going to upload them to Flickr, and assuming there is time in the morning, I’ll plan on writing a post, so stay tuned.

Karin's sister and friends picked these as we walked home from the reception. They were used in the church pew decorations the next day.

11 Replies to “I love Swedish weddings!”

  1. Hey Lisa, helping with Kaleb and Karin's wedding makes me so excited for yours! I'll look forward to getting updates when I'm back:)Grace, this wedding is quite similar in style and feel to Jennifer's wedding. Makes me happy to remember.

  2. Hey Lisa, helping with Kaleb and Karin's wedding makes me so excited for yours! I'll look forward to getting updates when I'm back:)Grace, this wedding is quite similar in style and feel to Jennifer's wedding. Makes me happy to remember.

  3. Hey Lisa, helping with Kaleb and Karin's wedding makes me so excited for yours! I'll look forward to getting updates when I'm back:)Grace, this wedding is quite similar in style and feel to Jennifer's wedding. Makes me happy to remember.

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