Off to Arvika

We managed to stay awake nearly all day yesterday, so when we got back to the hotel after  a lovely dinner with Kaleb’s family we crashed hard.  I woke up a few times in the night, stunned to find that it was only 12:30 or only 2am, but I fell back to sleep and the alarm woke us at 6:30am.  We’re packed, and Bryan is looking at me waiting for me to finish so we can go to downstairs and have breakfast and coffee before catching a train to Arvika on the far western side of Sweden.  That’s where the wedding will be held.

I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of Swedish countryside!

Here’s a map.  Catch you soon, if there’s internet access there.  Otherwise, you’ll hear from me when I’m back in Stockholm on Monday.

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One Reply to “Off to Arvika”

  1. Don’t know if you’ll find this the case, but in my car travels around Sweden I realized why the Swedes must have felt at home in southern Wisconsin. There were times the landscape reminded me of southern Wisconsin–then other times not at all (such as when we crossed a fjord on the way to Oslo)!

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