Pictures from Texas

I had a great time in Texas.  A really lovely time.  Bryan’s parents are just such nice, wonderful people.  I won the lottery when I met Bryan:)

I got a phone call from Andrew and Sylvie today (Sylvia even said “Hah Mama” and “Bye” pronounced “baaa”).  Andrew is signed up for a swimming class this week.  Sounds like it went well!


I used some of my precious time today to download pictures and put them on Flickr.  You’ll see an album of pictures from the last couple weeks and an album of my time in Texas.


I just purchased (with my first checks from my photography business!) a new 50mm lens for my camera.  I’m loving it.  LOVING it.  I just feel so happy when I’m taking pictures!


The kids are having a great time playing with all the toys at Granny and Grandad’s.  We mostly stayed indoors due to the heat.  It got down to the low 90s at night.


IMG_2655 Wow.  Look at that shallow depth of field!




Ahh, those kids.  They crack me up!  There are lots more in the photo gallery.