
I woke up this morning in my own bed to hear the songs of birds coming through my window. I nuzzled down into my pillow for a few moments, pet Spooky (who seemed just delighted to find me at home, awake, and interested in loving him), looked over at my snoozing husband, and then I decided to roll over and go back to sleep.
For some, this may be a normal weekend experience. For me, not so much. The kiddos wake up early. Bryan and I tend to take turns getting up with them so the other can sleep in a bit, but by 7:15am, it’s usually pretty noisy and active in our little home.

So waking up on a still, beautiful morning felt like luxury.
I know that there are people out there who don’t have kids and who wish they had kids more than anything, so I feel kind of ungrateful to be singing, “MY KIDS ARE AWAY FROM ME…..Yeeeehooooo!!!!” But that’s how I feel. So I’ll sing my song.
Andrew and Sylvie are happily ensconced in Texas at Granny and Grandad’s house. The report is that they are doing wonderfully. Leaving wasn’t too hard (hey, I got to do it twice since my first flight was canceled). The whole flight home I felt like I was floating along in first class since I could just stick my nose in a book for seven hours instead of tend to the needs and wants of my babes.
Now that I think of it, that seems to be a big part of having kids…tending to the needs and wants of others first. Always. And now on day two of eleven with no kids, I’m reveling in the thoughts of, “Hmmm, what do I want to do today?”
I think it’s going to be a great week:)

13 Replies to “Stillness”

  1. I am sure you will have a wonderful time! As Mom's we tend to put our needs last. Take this time to put them first, while you can! It will feel odd, but nice!

  2. I always get confused "What do I like to eat? What do I like to do?" when I find myself home alone. More often than not I end up doing laundry!

  3. I always get confused "What do I like to eat? What do I like to do?" when I find myself home alone. More often than not I end up doing laundry!

  4. I always get confused "What do I like to eat? What do I like to do?" when I find myself home alone. More often than not I end up doing laundry!

  5. I’m so glad you are basking in the quiet serenity…we’re here enjoying lots of activity and fun. Andrew took his first swim lesson this morning and I think he enjoyed it. He did make a big splash once and got his hair all wet. That was the first thing he wanted to tell me when I came back into the pool area…that his hair was all wet!

    1. Thanks 100 times, Granny! Hope the rest of the day went well. thanks for the phone call today. I LOVED hearing their little, sweet voices on the phone!

  6. Aside from work-related trips, I haven’t ever been away from both kids At The Same Time for more than one night.

    I fear that I will freak out when Egon goes to college…

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