Sylvia’s 12 month check-up

Feb. 24: Sylvia had her 12 month check-up yesterday.  She’s growing well, this young girl.  On the way to the doctor’s Andrew and I brainstormed what kinds of things the doctor would do to Sylvia.  We also contemplated what would happen if I was part-way through reading Andrew a story when the nurse had questions to ask me.  Turns out that this was a good thing to have discussed ahead of time as I think it helped avert a very fussy boy.
As usual (thank goodness) this was a very boring visit.  I don’t think I’ve had a question for the doctor since Sylvia was born.  That’s not to say that I don’t obsessively look parenting topics up online, but since the day she was born (wait, since the day of my first prenatal appointment) I’ve felt a little like a lousy parent because I haven’t had any questions to ask.  It’s not that I feel like I know everything (far from it!!).  Other than having her ear infections, there hasn’t been anything amiss with my little miss, and her pediatrician had about zero helpful input on her lack-of-napping situation.
So he asks questions and I give blithe answers and we both nod and smile.  And I find myself kind of wishing that doctors made house calls so I hadn’t had to bundle the kids up and expose them to doctor’s-office-germs.  However, I am glad that we have modern medicine:)

Anyway, the take-home vitals from our visit were that she now weighs 19 lbs, 11.5 oz, and she is 29.5″ tall.  That puts her in the 24th and 59th percentiles respectively.  She’s long and lean, this girl!