Oscars alone

Feb. 23:  I love watching the Oscars.  And usually I have a party or at least a friend over to watch it with me.  Back in the 90s, Mom and Maretta and I would watch together.  Oh, how I love the dresses.  I haven’t seen any of the movies, but for me, it’s not about the movies (except to know what to add to my Netflix que).  It’s about the fashion.  (See here for some favorite dresses from the past.)
So last night was a little bit sad because Oscar night totally snuck up on me and I had no plans.  Grace informed me of the impending glamor the night before while we were chatting on Facebook.  Bryan sat near me and played chess online while I watched, but it’s just not the same as having girlfriends to dish with.
So here are some of my thoughts on this year’s Oscars…

First off, I think Hugh Jackman did a great job hosting.  I loved his opening number!  You can catch it here.

Second, I thought that the re-do of the theater was beautiful…it really looked special.  I didn’t like, though, how they had the band playing while the presenters were talking.  It was distracting for both the speakers and the audience.

Third, I am a fan of the new thing they tried this year where past actors offer a personal tribute to the acting nominees.  It seemed like a lovely way to honor all the nominees in a way that was really very meaningful to them.  And several times it made me cry, which I consider a big plus.

I was hoping to post some of my favorite and least favorite dresses, but I’ve got a request to play. That’s more important! You can see some of the pictures here.