Sylvia at 10 months

Dec. 21: It’s hard for me to believe that Sylvie is a full 10-months old.  She’s become such a fully-developed little person.  Here are a few thoughts about my girl at this point in time.

  • Sylvia is gearing up to walk.  She just started walking behind a walker.  Yesterday she needed me to slow it with my foot so she didn’t fall on her face. Today, she’s already gotten the hang of it, and she drops to her knees when the walker starts to get ahead of her.  Amazing!  She can’t turn it yet, but she can walk all the way down the hall.
  • Sylvia loves food and eats just about anything we put in front of her.  I actually can’t think of anything that she doesn’t like to eat.  She’s figured out what the word “cracker” means, and she’ll eat lots of those!  In addition to fruit, dried fruit, crackers, and cereal, she likes hamburger, spicy things like enchiladas, tomato-y things like lasagna, mushrooms, pizza…etc!
  • Daytime sleep is somewhat better than it has been in the past.  She’s napping for an hour to an hour-and-a-half twice a day.  Once at 9am, and once at 1pm.  I’m down to nursing her just before her two naps, before bed, and then two to three times at night.
  • Nighttime sleep hasn’t been great.  She had been waking up once or twice, but these days it’s more like three times.  She’s also recently been doing a lot of back-arching and screaming at night.  The last several nights have been particularly frustrating.  Bryan and I take turns trying to soothe her, but she often starts crying again a few moments after the soother gets back in bed.   Last night after trying to get her back to sleep for what seemed like an hour and a half, we let her cry for a half hour or so until she fell asleep on her own.  THANK HEAVENS that Andrew is a sound sleeper.
  • A couple days ago, Sylvia learned how to put a toy back in a container.  She was so proud of herself:)
  • She’s not clapping yet, and she really hasn’t done any baby signs.  Also, I haven’t heard “uuuhp” in a couple weeks.
  • She loves eating snow.
  • She loves her daddy and lights up when he comes in the room.
  • Television doesn’t hold any interest for her.  And toys are only interesting if they’re being manipulated by someone else.  Or sometimes she’ll play with toys if she’s had a lot of sleep.
  • She loves dolls.

That’s a quick snapshot of life with Sylvie these days.  We’re looking forward to celebrating her first Christmas this week!