Naptime boogie

Dec. 18: It’s Thursday morning, which means that Andrew is at his preschool.  After putting Sylvia down for her nap and quietly shutting the door, I found myself jamming down the hallway, “Get down today!  Get down today!”  I feel such elation upon anticipating an hour with a sleeping Sylvie and a preschooling Andrew.  Made me dance while I made the bed:)
Just thought I’d share my joy:)
Last night we hosted our annual neighborhood party.  We had around 15 people attend, and I had such a fun time!  Everyone brings a plate of cookies, and then we swap them all around so everyone takes home a variety.  We see lots of our neighbors in the summer, but in the winter, conversations become much shorter.  It feels god to have a house full of happy friends.
Tonight, Dad, Michael, Lisa, and maybe Becky are coming over to celebrate my dad’s birthday.  I’m going to make Mom’s enchilada casserole.  I should be putting it together right now.  But I wanted to play on the computer first:)
I haven’t taken many pictures of the kids in the last couple weeks, but I got the camera out yesterday, so hopefully I’ll have some new ones to share soon.
This morning, Sylvia was having fun with the Christmas tree.

I decided to let her play with one of my Grandma’s cross-stitch ornaments.  She developed a little very cute game for herself.  While sitting in a chair, first she’d pull the ornament off the tree. Then she’d reach over and drop it on the ground.  Then (while I hung on to her ankles), she would dive off the chair and reach down to retrieve the ornament.  She’d pull herself back on the chair, lean over, and set the ornament back in the tree.  After looking at it for a moment, she’d grab the ornament back, and the game would continue.
It was so neat to watch her think through all the steps.  What a cutie!

Syliva has had a temperature and a runny nose for the last couple days.  So far, the rest of us haven’t come down with it.  We’re hoping that sickness stays isolated to the current recipient and that no new viruses come our way!

Happy last week before Christmas!