She’s getting to be so big!

standing.JPGNov. 14: Sylvia is getting more advanced by the day.  She’s pulling up to standing on anything she can reach,and she reaches waaaay up to try to find things to pull down (on top of herself).  At her 9-month doctor’s appointment this week, she weighed in at 18 lbs, 1 oz and measured 28″ long.  That put her in the 30th percentile for weight and the 70th percentile for height.  She’s a long-limbed girl right now!
One of her most defining characteristics this past month has been her screech.  She does it all the time.  LOUDLY.  Like a police whistle.  It stops conversations in crowded rooms.  She does it when she’s unhappy, she does it when she’s glad, she does it constantly when in her high chair.  I say over and over and over “Sylvia, that’s Too Loud.”  Then I try to show her the baby sign language for what I think she wants (up, down, more, all done, take-my-bother’s-toy, etc.)  I’m hoping it’s a phase.  Maybe when she learns how to talk, the screeching will decrease in frequency or volume.  There’s always hope!
I’m hoping to get a video soon of one of Sylvia’s new tricks – blowing raspberries.  She puckers her mouth up and blows.  And she loves it when I do it back at her.  Such a fun girl!
In other news, she’ll now let me read 2-3 pages of a book to her.  We’re working it into the bedtime routine, and the book reading is now seeming to be accepted!
OK, I’m off to pick up Andrew from preschool.  Have a great weekend!