Amazing Andrew

Nov. 12: It’s good to be back home again!  The kids and I had a good time being back in a normal routine today.  We had story hour and Sylvia’s 9-month doctor’s appointment, and then we had Terry and Tom over for dinner.  Unfortunately, in the mid-afternoon I developed a killer headache.  Sylvia was napping, and as I swallowed some pills and curled up in bed, I told Andrew he could do anything he wanted as long as it didn’t involve waking me or Sylvia.  When I came-to 45 minutes later, my head ache had cleared (thank goodness!).
I walked into the kitchen, and there on the counter were all the clean dishes from the dishwasher.  I was amazed!  Andrew had used his “free time” to unload the dishwasher!  My heart melted a little more when I saw that he had also loaded the dirty breakfast dishes in the dishwasher.  He’d done it so carefully.  What a boy.  I can’t believe he did that.  My little three-year-old baby is getting to be so big!  He’s one of the neatest people I know:)