A new tooth!

Oct. 14: Sylvia’s third tooth is on it’s way in.  A corner appeared yesterday.  Looks like she’s going to have four teeth on the bottom before she gets any on the top.  Tooth #3 is the left bottom guy.  She seems like she’s doing alright.  No drooling, but lots of chomping on her finger.
In other news, Sylvia said “mama” when she saw me two times recently.  She’s continuing to say “dada” about a lot of things, but notably about Bryan.  And when I asked her if she was all done with her food, she repeated “ahhhdah.”  Speech is coming to this young girl!
She does however appreciate the power of a well-placed yell.
In other news, Heather did a really nice post about our trip to DC in August.  She said some awfully nice things about my kiddos.  Thanks, Heather.  My spirit is always buoyed when I read sweet things about my kids.  I’m glad you enjoy them so much too.