So much to write!

Oct. 21: When I don’t post in several days, this…thing…happens to me.  I get all twitchy and sort of nervous.  I’ve got about six posts I’m trying to hold onto in my brain, and it’s making me a bit crazy.
But Sylvia just started crying, so I’m not going to free my mind yet!

OK, it’s 11pm and the wee one is fed.  Andrew was calling for me an hour ago.  When I went into his room, I discovered that he was completely encased in his blankets.  And stuck.  He had somehow gotten down to the foot of his bed, cocooned in his blankets.  I had to pull and roll him a lot before I could find him:)  Although he was almost asleep, he did seem to see the humor in the situation.  What a kook.

As a quick recap, we had a wonderful visit with Bryan’s mom.  She came into town on the 12th and left on the 17th.  Sylvia was pretty unhappy/sick for much of her visit, so it was especially nice to have her here as backup…both for Andrew and for my mental and emotional sanity.

On Saturday, Jessica and I took our girls down to Mineral Point for the Fall Art Tour.  It was a glorious day.

I’ve continued to scan my CD collection to iTunes.  I’m really nuts.  So far, I have 3,500 songs scanned.  I went home last weekend and got a bag of CDs.  More MORE ha ha ha ha!!!

I just read a quote I liked a lot: “We write to taste life twice, once in the moment and in retrospection.” – Anais Nin
So true.  That’s a big chunk of why I love to chronicle my kids lives.

I think I had other really pertinent things to report, but they currently escape me.  So I’ll leave you with the update that Melanie flies in tomorrow.  Ben joins her on Friday, and the two of them are staying until mid-day on Monday.  We’re really looking forward to their visit!

Bryan’s a sick boy today.  Fever, chills, headache.  Hopefully we won’t give our disease to our house guests!