Development milestones

goof.JPGOct. 11: Amidst a week of major unhappiness, Sylvia is still charging forward on her quest to grow up.  On Thursday night, she pulled herself up to standing in her crib.  Never mind that she pulled herself up as she was screaming in her crib after we attempted to put her down for the 8th time at 10pm…  She’s been going from lying down to sitting for quite a few weeks, and she often wakes up a little bit and sits right up, making it hard for her to fall back asleep again.  She’s not crawling in her sleep anymore (at least she’s not bashing her head while trying to crawl!), but there’s lots of sitting up and now standing in the crib.  It’s truly shocking to see my baby standing in the crib!  She hasn’t pulled up on anything else yet, but she’s started reaching up to pull things off the coffee table.  And she loves crawling over to the front door and trying to push through the screen!  She’s got some get-up-and-go.  And a whole lot of get-up-and-follow-her-brother!