Ear infection: part deux

Oct. 11:  Sylvia has had a really rough week.  She’s not been sleeping for much more than 20 minutes (other than one blessed 80 minute nap), and she’s not been getting more than an hour of sleep between the time she wakes and when we put her down for the night.  Then she’s been waking every hour or so in the evening.  It’s been rough.  For everyone.  I’m kind of kicking myself, because I thought she was just really off her schedule and teething (she’s getting a new bottom tooth), but it turns out that she has an ear infection again.  Left ear.  I took her in yesterday after a particularly rough night of waking and inconsolable crying.
She started on a new antibiotic last night, and already this morning there was a big improvement.  I’d forgotten that it’s possible to sometimes put her down without having her cry, to leave the room even without a howl following me.  She went down for her morning nap without protest…10 minutes so far.  Her eyes still look rather “off.”  Sick or super tired or hurt.  Hopefully after a few days of this new antibiotic she’ll be feeling even better.