Now in the produce aisle…it’s a zucchini

Sept. 15: The last week has flown by in a very calm way, and I was really shocked to see an update from in my inbox yesterday telling me that I am now 19 weeks pregnant.
A little over a week now until I have my ultrasound appointment, and I’m feeling increasingly pregnant.  These days when I bend over, I’ve started to make an inadvertent “oof” grunt.  I also found this morning that it was uncomfortable to bring my knee up to my chest to tie my boots.
Mentally, I think I’m also making a switch.  I spent much of yesterday ogling baby clothes…an activity that hadn’t seemed that pertinent in past weeks.
Last night I almost woke Bryan up, because the baby’s normal soft “blip”-like kicks had become little thumps, and I thought I could even feel them from the outside.  Still not particularly showing, though, except for a little bump and looking rather thick around the middle:)

Week 19 Update from

Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces,
and he measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the length of a small zucchini. The hair on his scalp is sprouting. If your baby is a girl, she already has 6 million eggs in her ovaries. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby’s brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He may be able to hear you as you talk. Research shows that he’s learning to distinguish your voice from others, and he’ll soon show a preference for it. Let Dad get in on the act, too — encourage him to talk to your baby.