As the day moves on

Aug. 31: 4:30 pm.  There’s not a lot to report on this afternoon, but I’m used to doing regular web updates, so it seems right for me to sit down with the computer for a few moments.  Around 11 this morning, Maretta, Kyle, and I came over to Michael’s house where we joined Michael, his roommates, Joe and Becky, Terry, and Dad.  We sat around and laughed and cried and talked about things together.  After a while, we took a drive west of Madison to Riley’s Tavern.  It is a perfectly beautiful day today, and a drive through the countryside with the tall, drying corn and the beautiful wildflowers coveys a feeling of peace.

We went for a short hike along the Military Ridge trail, and then we came back and have scattered to take care of life’s errands before tonight’s get-together at 6pm.  Speaking of which, if you’re in the area, I’m re-extending an invitation for you to come to Terry’s tonight to join us.  6 pm at 100 Wisconsin Ave. #801.  Call me on Mom’s cell phone 239-5453 with questions.

We’re meeting with the funeral home tomorrow morning at 10 am to begin planning Mom’s memorial.  It’s new territory for all of us.

Michael and I are going to work to set up and online community for people to share pictures, recipies, and stories about Mom, so if you want to start thinking about things to share, please do so.

One thing I’ve noticed is that we have very few pictures of Mom…mostly because she was always behind the camera.  So I’m hoping that maybe our friends and family can help us fill out our collection by sending us images.  We plan to set up something online to help facilitate that, but if you’d like to mail me prints, I’ll scan them and send them back.  Or you can email me images to

We are also going to compile a cookbook of recipes from Mom’s collection along with stories that people have associated with those recipes.  So if you feel like it, look through your recipe boxes this labor day weekend.

I’m glad the day is so beautiful.  My mom loves the sunlight of late summer days.