Visits from loved ones

Aug. 28: 6:00 pm.  It’s been a full and long day today.  Hard to believe that when I walked in the door at 8 am this morning that I had never been here before.  This afternoon, Mom had several visitors, and she surprised us by responding verbally to most of them.  Peter and Marci brought Mom’s mother, Mum, to visit early this afternoon.  Before she left, Mum talked to my mom, and Mom opened her eyes and some form of communication passed between them.  That’s a first over the last three days.  Then when Peter said goodbye, she said “hi Peter.”  She also said, “hi” when Dana and Terry’s neighbor Connie visited.

Maretta and Kyle just came in.  Maretta hasn’t seen Mom since Sunday, and she’s having a really hard time coping with the rapid and downward changes in Mom’s health.  It’s such a sad time.

8:45 pm.  Maretta had a nice visit sitting next to Mom.  At one point, she told mom that she loved her, and Mom whispered back, “I love you too.”  It was a remarkable moment for me, because since Saturday I haven’t seen her say something like that.

Bryan brought Andrew by after work today, and he and I got in bed with Mom for a few minutes.  Mom said his name, and I think she knew he was there.  Andrew kissed her hand and said that he loved her before he left.

Maretta, Kyle, Bryan, Andrew, and I all went out to dinner after leaving.  Michael was on his way over, and Terry and Dad were still there with Mom.  Bryan had offered to go back and spend the evening with whomever was still there, but it turned out that Tom came over too, so Michael had company to pass the time.  Dad is planning on staying overnight again in the rollaway bed they have set up.

I am going to return to Hospice tomorrow morning and spend the day with Mom again.  Overall, today was a good but rather exhausting day.  It feels good to have a day with no major medical crises or major decision-making necessary.  Just a lot of adjusting and crying and talking and coping.

Mom hasn’t wanted or had anything to eat or drink since she threw up on Sunday night.  She’s been getting fairly regular doses of an anti-anxiety medication and occasional doses of morphine.  The medications seem to help.

That’s the update for tonight.  Until tomorrow,