Not getting better

Aug. 27:  7 pm.  I’m feeling pretty ragged tonight.  I think the effects of being up last night and a really full, hard day.
I left Mom’s house at about 1:30 to go home to nap.  Mom had been sleeping and crying, but was generally very quiet from 5 am to 1 pm.  In the afternoon, Dad napped in one of the kids’ beds while Michael sat and kept watch over Mom.  It was a good thing he was right there, because at one point she decided to stand up and was apparently unsteady enough that she probably would have fallen if he hadn’t been there to steady her.

I called home at about 5:45 tonight, and the nurse was meeting with Dad and Michael.  They went up and tended to Mom, and gave her some liquid oral medication to help deal with anxiety and confusion.  We asked if we could have some too because we are anxious and confused.  The nurse didn’t seem to think that was a good idea.

I was on speaker phone for much of that visit.  It sounds like Mom will be staying at home tonight, and we may look at moving her to the Hospice center tomorrow.  In a little bit, I expect to hear back from Dad and Michael to work out a schedule for watching over Mom through the night.  That’s the pretty low update for now…