Holding steady

Aug. 19:  I’m going to make this a quick post since I’m really exhausted and Bryan has made it clear that I should get off the computer in the next five minutes and go to bed:)
I stopped by for a visit with Mom for a few hours this afternoon.  Maretta was back home after being in Spring Green at American Players Theater for the past day or so.  Mom seemed to be in a similar place as she was yesterday, which is alright, but certainly not good.  She came to the table to eat a yummy lunch provided by Heather and Michael as they visited her from Michigan.
I feel like today was sort of a downer for me.  Friday was terrible, Saturday was better, and today things are sinking in more.  I’m feeling a little like waking up and exhausted to find ourselves in this same, very sad and discouraging place.
Maretta and Joe are both trying to decide what to do about returning to school this semester.  Joe has intended to leave on Wednesday, but it’s a terribly difficult decision to make.  I have so much worry and concern and love for Joe and Maretta and Michael and my dad, and it’s clear that as time goes on things may get harder rather than easier.  Hard to know, but I just wish I could spare them all some of the hurt they are feeling.
Mom has a doctor’s appointment scheduled tomorrow along with our first visit from the Hospice nurse.  I am going to take off work to spend the day with Mom.
Oops…Bryan’s coming to get me!  Good night.