Templeton Day

Aug. 18: No major news to report today…  Bryan and Andrew and I came over to Mom’s this morning.  Mom has been feeling about the same as yesterday, but maybe a little better.  She didn’t have to take drugs until later this afternoon, so she’s been more mentally present than the last couple days.

Mom’s brother Peter and his wife Marci came over for a visit this afternoon along with Mom’s mother (Mum).  Peter and Marci live in Iowa and are up visiting Mum for the weekend.  I don’t think that Mum has seen Mom for well over a month, so it was nice that they could see each other.

Since their visit, Mom has been doing a lot of napping.  Andrew took a shorter-than-normal nap, so this afternoon we decided to have him watch his first ever full-length animated movie…the Lion King.  Surprisingly, he watched the entire movie.  At the end, he surprised us even more by really wanting to watch it again.  My mom said, “Why not, it’s kind of a Templeton Day.”  Templeton was the rat in Charlotte’s Web.  He liked to go to the county fair and pig out all day.  So our Templeton day has included watching both the Lion King and Aladdin.  Andrew is turning into a pile of mush.  Mom, Joe, Becky, Bryan, Andrew, and I are all hanging out.  Becky’s mom made us a big plate of lasagna, so that’s about to come out of the oven.  Mmmm.  I love lasagna.