Mom’s resting and talking and doing well

6:50 pm: Mom’s been in her room for about two and a half hours now.  She was thrilled to hear that they were able to remove the tumor, and she’s been drifting between consciousness and sleep.

Drugs are going to be good friends for the next week or so, and she is going to have some major recovering to do…  But it feels so good to hold her hand and to hear her talk and answer questions and then to watch her sleep.  We’re waiting to hear from Dr. Farnell sometime in the next couple hours.  At that time, we should have more details about the surgery and her expected recovery process.  Dad is going to stay on a cot in her room tonight, and we’ve worked out a schedule with family members to make sure that she will have someone with her for her whole recovery here in Rochester.  Michael and Joey are napping, Bryan and Kyle are putting together puzzles, and we’re all swapping in to sit with Mom.  The big news though, is that Andrew fell asleep and is snoozing in his car seat right now.  Hopefully he’ll stay asleep for the night (but that might be pushing my luck)!  Next update after we hear from Farnell.