Mom’s out of recovery and rolling to her room

4:35 pm: As we watch, mom is being wheeled down the hall and in to her room.  She’s sound asleep and looks OK.  We all
gathered in the hallway to watch her get wheeled past.  So surgery is complete, she’s out of recovery, and she must be doing pretty well as they’re already putting her in her patient room.  Wow.
The surgery is over.

Jacquie said that Dr. Farnell would come to talk to us after his surgeries are over for the day.  She estimated that at between seven and nine pm this evening.  I’ll post at that point, but for now we can say that she is safely out of surgery.  Now she has a long recovery and healing process.  Thanks so much to all who have been watching and praying for her today.  I’ve posted a few more photos of us hanging out for those who like a little visual diversion…