Waiting on Mayo test results

Dec. 17  I’m sorry I haven’t updated this earlier if you’ve been anxious to hear the latest news about Mom.  I keep thinking we’ll know something more soon, but each appointment leads to more appointments.  Mom and Dad went up to Rochester, MN to Mayo clinic on Dec. 8 for an appointment with Dr. Farnell.
The appointment was originally scheduled for Monday, Dec. 5, but her records (and therefore the appointment) got delayed.  Dr. Farnell’s assessment was a positive one.  He thinks she’s too young to have this disease, and he wasn’t as worried about the relationship of the tumor to the SMV.  Dr. Farnell thought the fine-grained CT scan was well done but wanted to re-run the endoscopic ultrasound at Mayo.  So on Thursday, Dec. 15, Mom, Andrew, and I went up to Mayo for that test and a re-biopsy of the tumor.  Mayo is an amazing facility.  I didn’t take any photos while I was there (hands were full of baby), but here’s a neat website that shows some great images.
Mom’s endoscopic ultrasound went fine, but she didn’t get out of recovery until after all the people involved in the test had already left for the day.  Sooo, we’re waiting to hear back from them.  Surgery is still an option at this point.  We should
hear on Monday or Tuesday…