Andrew’s first Thanksgiving was a hit!

michael_and_andrew.jpgNov. 29:  Our little guy is five months old!  Hard to believe…he’s getting so big.  He is starting to sit up (with a good deal of support), and he’s getting to be more accurate and determined when he’s reaching for toys (or hands or glass things).  His giggle comes a bit more regularly.  Especially when he’s tickled or gets a zerbert to the belly.

Three new albums in the gallery this week.  One of assorted photos (mostly of cute baby), one of our Thanksgiving celebration, and one containing some photos of our trip to Chicago.

We had a really nice Thanksgiving with my family.  We “broke in” Terry’s kitchen and had a feast with about 12 people.  Mom made a 20 lb turkey plus a whole additional turkey breast.  And lots of other dishes.  It was delightful.  Last night, Bryan and I had a wonderful dinner of leftovers.  I especially liked the Swiss corn bake.  mmmmm  Andrew’s not eating solids yet, so he was entertainment, and actually, he slept through dinner while we all ate.

That evening, we took Thanksgiving dinner down to Monroe to see Grandma and Grandpa.  We hadn’t visited them since last summer, and it was so nice to spend a bit of time together.  I love my grandparents:)

On Sunday, we went down to Chicago for another day of stuffing ourselves full of amazing foods.  We went to brunch at the Four Seasons, and then while Mom and Dad went to the planetarium, Michael, Lisa, Joey, Bryan, Andrew, and I shopped around on Michigan Ave.  It’s so fun to window shop and explore a big city at Christmas time.  There were so many lights and decorations, and it was a lot of fun to see. We capped off the day with a huge dinner at Ron of Japan.

On Monday, Mom and I went down to Janesville to visit Mum and to share Thanksgiving leftovers with her.  Andrew is a great traveler, but I think a week or so of a dull schedule will sit well with him.

Our next adventure will be picking out a Christmas tree!