One of those moms

Jan. 14: Andrew decided not to nap yesterday.  He was in his room for a couple hours, but he was singing and shouting and very much not sleeping.
After he got up, I decided to make a run back to Target with him to pick up a few more big plastic tubs (red and green on sale post-Christmas) so I can store all the books that got bumped when I made space for “little sister’s” pretty things.
The drive to Target was fine, but as I turned off the car, the CD we were listening to switched tracks, and the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears was up next.  Andrew decided he wanted to listen to the whole story NOW.  As I pulled him out of the car, he threw an incredible tantrum.
So I got stubborn and put him under one arm and carried him into the store kicking and screaming.  As we walked through the store, me 8 1/2 months pregnant, Andrew screaming and thrashing under one arm as I pushed the cart with the other arm, I couldn’t help but imagine all the other shoppers who must be looking at me with varying degrees of pity and relief that they weren’t me!