Glorious lack of weekend plans

Jan. 12: Could it get better than this?  Andrew and Bryan are outside playing in the falling snow.  They are having a great time going, “woohoohhwowooooo” and then falling down.  Andrew has his Curious George ball ready to kick down the street.  It’s a quiet, gray morning, and the snow is falling softly.
These last weeks, Andrew wakes up in the morning and climbs in bed with me for a cuddle.  His sleeper is usually unzipped, and one of his legs is hanging out.  He likes me to smell his feet and say, “STINKY!  Ahhh choo!”  Then I zip him up, and we cuddle for five minutes or so before he gets up and goes back to his room to play for a bit.  Sometimes we both lie quietly, but this morning, we were looking at each other nose-to-nose, and he whispered, “I have dark brown eyes, Mama.”  Before he climbed out of bed, he patted my tummy and said, “Hi little sister.  She is coming soon.  Then it will be Daddy and Andrew and little sister and Mommy.”  He seems to be catching on to the idea.

I think I’ve entered some new nesting phase.  I decided in the last couple days that we needed to have more things ready for the baby, so since she won’t have her own nursery, I have plans this weekend to clear out one of our bookshelves and organize her dresser and pull up more of the baby items from the basement.  I also bought baby announcements when Joe and I went shopping yesterday, and I have a strong urge to address them.  I also have a strong urge to finish Andrew’s sweater.  But I just discovered last night that I haven’t ever done normal increases before, so first I need to learn how to do those so I can finish the sleeves.

We have nearly zilch scheduled for the weekend.  Wonderful.  I’m hoping to help Bryan prep the bathroom so he can paint it and then I can put up my little wall stickers and put out the new towels I got.  That will be a good project to have checked off.

Yesterday Joe and I made a shopping run to Target, and while Joe amused Andrew (fixing the cart with pretend super glue and racing around), I was able to get all sorts of random items that I’ve been wanting for a long time.  All day, I’ve been happy that Andrew’s craft drawer is better organized because of those new plastic tubs! And we got a new coffee maker.  It’s replacing Bryan’s from college, and it’s red, pretty, and doesn’t seem to spill coffee when you pour a cup.   Brilliant!