The Bambino Babies are Two!

bambinobeach.jpgJune 9: We had a party for our Happy Bambino group at Tenney Park Beach tonight.  As always, it was wonderful to get to see all the parents and to marvel at how amazing and adorable all the little ones are.  Their birthdays range between mid-May and late-June, so this was a birthday-partyish beach party for them all.   Pictures from the evening of lots of adorable kids are in the gallery. For a comparison, see the pictures from the winter party, and  their 1 year birthday.

Andrew had a wonderful time playing in the water and with the sand.  It was his first time at a beach, and I think we’ll be heading back again soon.  We all shared a delicious potluck dinner and fed the little ones cupcakes.  Andrew had his first bite of chocolate cake, and it appears that he was quite happy and would like to eat it much, much more often.